Dey de Ribcowski (1880-1936)
Primarily a marine painter, Dey de Ribcowski was born in Rustchuk, Bulgaria on October 13, 1880. Rather than go to military school, at age 13 de Ribcowski began his art studies in Paris and continued in Florence and Petrograd. After founding the Academy of Beaux Arts in Buenos Aires in 1904, he arrived in New York City in 1910. By 1917 he was painting in San Francisco and soon settled in Inglewood, California. After an auto accident in 1931, he was in a wheel chair until his death in Los Angeles on August 15, 1936. He was the inventor of the medium "Reflex."
Exhibited: Petrograd, 1902 (medal); Uruguay Expo (Montevideo), 1908 (medal); Odessa, 1909 (prize); Rio de Janeiro Expo, 1909 (medal); Moscow, 1910 (prize); Sofia Nat'l Gallery, 1910 (prize); Southwest Int'l Fair (El Paso), 1924; Society of Independent Artists. In: Uruguay Museum; Nat'l Palaces of Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro; Museum Alexander III (Petrograd); Buenos Aires Museum.
Source: Edan Hughes, "Artists in California, 1786-1940"